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Δευτέρα 26 Σεπτεμβρίου 2011

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Musically, this 2011 is undoubtedly a great year for materials Enrique Iglesias: magazine "Euphoria" CD by Enrique Iglesias Tour Dates profile - Enrique Iglesias, Pitbull Prince Royce and I recently had the pleasure of exchanging a few carisoprodol soma words with Bobby Marin, legend. Latin music producer who was behind the madness of New York Latin boogaloo stormed the 1960s. In our conversation, it became clear that Boogaloo never went away. On the other hand, Bobby Marin in its own contribution to the resurrection of the dynamic pace. Back in the 1960s, Bobby Marín had the opportunity working with the biggest names in Latin boogaloo, including artists like Joe Cuba, Tito Puente and Louie Ramirez, among others. Now, experienced producer is actively involved in various projects to preserve the memory of America and boogaloo salsa good old days. Among his current projects, Bobby Marin has created a website where you take carisoprodol soma the music that has never been published before. A lot of Salsa, Mambo, and of course, the Boogaloo.

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